Monday, November 30, 2009

Wow...6 months?

It's hard to believe that once upon a time I was an avid blogger, someone who wrote daily blogs on topics ranging from news features to basic rants about "stupid" people I encountered.

And now...

I haven't blogged regularly in months.  In fact, I had forgotten I had this one. 

I would like to start blogging more, at least about my I can remember all the funny, endearing, and/or frustrating moments about being a mom.

We'll see how that goes...only time will tell.

Another day, another ailment

I'm not sure if it's stress or what, but I have not been all that healthy as of late. I had another round of Vertigo this last weekend - YES, over the holiday weekend! WTF - that lasted until today. I feel a lot better today, but if I move too much (like trying to get 5 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded, and put away) I tend to get a little dizzy. At least it's not the dizziness of the first day, where I felt nauseous after walking less than 10 feet.

This is the second time I have had Vertigo. The first time was in May and I had no idea what the hell was wrong with me. I have to admit that it must be a bit karmic. Years ago, I had a staff person call in sick with Vertigo and while I accepted her reason, when I hung up, I thought, "What kind of made-up illness is that?" But let me tell you, Vertigo is no joke. I'd take a head cold that lasted 10 days over 4 days of Vertigo.

From the research I've read, Vertigo strikes people when they get older. Apparently, I am getting "older" or there is something else going on. Because I have been a pretty healthy person up till this year, I scheduled an appointment with the doctor tomorrow. I want to rule out that the symptoms I am feeling are part of a larger problem at play. Or figure out how to avoid getting Vertigo again.

I have too much to do. I don't have time for crap like this. Seriously.

Have you ever had symptoms like dizziness or being unbalanced? 

(Obviously, I mean when sober...not the whoozy, spinning rooms from being intoxicated! haha)

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Worst Mom Ever

I know he is just trying to get his way. And I know I must keep the boundaries and follow-through. However, this constant crying...makes me feel like the worst mom ever.

Some days I feel like the worst mom ever. Don't get me wrong. Some days I feel like the best mom ever, but today was not one of those days.

Or actually, maybe I was a bit schizophrenic today. We had our ups and downs. After one meltdown, we played with rubber stamps and all was well. A short 30 minutes later, he was back in tears. Yes, he was overtired, but it didn't make me feel any better.

My son is almost 3.5 years old. In his short life, he has tested my patience more times than I can count. I cannot even begin to imagine what a simple day without a tantrum looks like. Okay, I exaggerate. I have those days. But again, today was not one of those days.

He is the most stubborn child I have ever known. And trust me, I have known a lot. I worked in the childcare field for over a decade. I thought I had seen stubborn. Clearly, I was mistaken. If God gives us only what we can handle, apparently, he thinks I can handle a whole lot...and I am not sure I am cut out for the job.

Today, he cried for about 30 or so minutes because he wanted to look at some photographs. Thing is, he wanted to only see them with me, not with Daddy, not with his sister, just me. I had told him it was time for bed and no stalling. He was not having it. In the end, I did not relent - no photograph looking - and he ended up asleep. Seriously though, prior to his peaceful slumber, I wanted to BASH MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL....HARD...MULTIPLE TIMES.

About a month ago, he cried in the for 40 minutes because he wanted to go to the pumpkin patch. He cries if you tell him he can't have what he wants.

The irony? He cries less when he actually hurts himself. The other night, my daughter accidentally closed the door on his fingers. It must have scraped because it pulled some skin. It looked really painful. Total crying time? FIVE whole minutes and he was off running again.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Girl Drama

As women, the majority get caught up in girl drama, even if we try to avoid it. It just happens. Either we get too emotional or we have what we deem "psycho friends" who stir shit up. It is what it is.

Fortunately, most of us outgrow it...or just decide not to deal with that crap anymore and move on. I am one of those "F*** it" type people. I do what I do...and try not to get involved in any drama. So, I thought I was done with all that.

Too bad I forgot I have a tween daughter that will be going through it...erhm, NOW.


What is it about females that they have to get all drama-like about friendships. "She's trying to steal my friend." "She's getting all hangy-on with my friend." "I don't like so-and-so, but I know you're friends with her. I don't want to put you in the middle, but I can't believe she did...this...and that...and blah blah blah."

C R A P.

They are only 10. This is only the beginning.

Add puberty, boys, and hormones to this girl drama....and what will I get?


Just kill me now. It will be less painful than what the next few years will bring.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Trying this blog thing again

I've been a blogger for years. I originally started it to "journal" more. I had always been a person who kept a journal of my life: my high school drama, college escapades, travels to other countries. In fact, I still have them though I don't read them.

So, I started blogging and loved it, but then I started blogging for the wrong reasons. I blogged more for the comments than for myself. And while I enjoyed the feedback and the popularity while it lasted, because it wasn't for me, it didn't "stick." I have blog-sites I hardly use.

This is another attempt - new site, new beginning: this blog is for me. If people read it, so be it. If they don't, it was for me I'm okay with that.