Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Yard Sale Tale or Two

We did it!  We had our yard sale!  After not enough preparation but plenty of stuff, my daughter and I went ahead with our yard sale.

I awoke to the sound of my annoying alarm and looked out into the darkness.  ANNOYING.  Who wakes up on a Saturday before the sun comes out?  Crazy people!  Fortunately, I did get to bed early (for me) and managed to sleep for 6 hours - not too shabby for a night owl like myself.

After a shower and some tea, I woke up my daughter and we went to set up the stuff. We had a couple hours before it officially started, right?  No.  I think my first "customer" arrived at 6:45am.  WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?  Why do people willingly wake up so early?  Anyhow, they purchased $35 worth of stuff.  Mind you, while I probably could have asked for more, I was just happy to rid of it; and to be honest, aside from my daughter's scooter, a candle set, and a couple items of clothing, I have NO IDEA what the heck they put on the table. 

And we all know what that means, right?

I didn't need that crap in my garage or the shed, anyhow.  $35.00 for crap.  Go me!

Anyhow, our friends showed up shortly after our "first sale" and starting setting up their stuff, too.  It is always better to have yard sales with other people: aside from having more for potential buyers, it also makes the "downtime" go a lot faster.

At the end of the day, my daughter and I came away with about $200.  I don't know the exact amount because I don't know how much I grabbed from the house for change, so I can't recall the start amount.  Like I said, I wasn't all that organized this time. HA.  But that's okay, I will be more organized for the next one.

Yard sales are a little addicting, if you can get past the downside.  It's addicting because getting rid of unwanted or unneeded stuff while getting some money in the process is always a good thing - a cleansing AND financially beneficial undertaking.  I mean, who turns down extra cash?  However, the downside of yard/garage sales are the rude people who assume the sellers are morons and don't deserve the asking price. 

For example, I was selling a "like new" Step 2 Push Around Buggy, the one is selling for $55.00 right now.  I didn't think asking $25 was too much, primarily because most of these types of items sell for half price on craigslist.  She said, "That's too much.  How about $10?"  I replied that I was sorry, but it did cost over $60 when I purchased it after taxes/shipping and I wouldn't sell it for less than $20.  She snapped, "Well, it's USED NOW!" and walked off.  Um, okay.  Rude much?

And guess who had the last laugh?  Me.  That's right.  I sold it for $20.  So screw her.

I'm not exactly sure why yard sale buyers think they will be the only customer and that's it is the seller's loss if the bargained-down offer price isn't taken.  I mean, please.  I'd rather give it away than sell it to an a-hole.  And I have. I've actually told someone I wouldn't take her offer and then chose to give it away at the end of the day. HA.  But I'm stubborn like that.
The best yard sale tale is from a couple years ago.  I was selling a Little Tikes desk, originally priced at $50-$75.  It had a working light table, drawer, crayon holder, and chair.  It was fabulous and in great condition; we were only getting rid of it because our daughter had outgrown it and we were unsure about having a second child.  I had it out at a yard sale with a sign stating it was $25.  This lady said she'd give me $20; I said, "No, sorry.  The price is $25.  I feel that's a fair amount."  She left.  About an hour later, she came by again and said, "You still won't take $20?" and I said no again.  Shortly after that, another buyer came in, said it was a good price and paid the $25 asking price with no bargaining.  Toward the end of the day, the first lady came back (yes, for the THIRD time) and looked crushed when she noticed the desk was no longer there.  She asked, "How much did you sell it for?"  I said, "$25."  I've always wondered if she spent $5.00 in gas, driving to my house THREE TIMES.  Lame.

It's always like that, I suppose - there being positives and negatives of any experience - but if the upside results in over $100 in cash for getting rid of stuff, I'm all for enduring rude, annoying people asking to give me 50 cents for a porcelain doll my daughter was trying to sell for one measly dollar.  (!!!!!!)

At the end of our yard sale yesterday, we were exhausted but $200 richer and deserved a treat, so my daughter and I went to get pedicures.  The yard sale paid for pedicures...and will be paying for a movie day, too.  Not too shabby!  Plus, we'll probably still have a little leftover money.  How should we spend it?

Well, that's a tale for another day!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lovely, Lovely Lists

My entire life has been filled with lists.  I love making lists and to be honest, it is the only way I'll get everything done.  With a million things on my plate (or at least it feels like it), I can never remember it all; this means that without a list not much gets done.

Sadly, the only list that has been maintained well has been the one I have on 43things: My Life To Do List - what others may call a "Bucket List"- a list of things I want to accomplish within my lifetime.  And that is simply because a life list can take a LIFETIME to complete, so I'm doing well when I complete one or two things a year!  haha.  I'm starting to think I should make a list just for the summer because time is running out and I still have so much I want to do and too much to take care of before it's over!

Actually, hold up!  What a great idea! (I'm soooo brilliant! haha. jk)  So, without further ado, here is my list of "The Things I Hope to Do During My Summer Vacation - part 1."

Have a yard sale.  To note, we are planning to do this tomorrow...which is why I shouldn't even be blogging; I should be prepping for that!

Paint the office.  This has been on my mind for over a year, ever since my son colored on my office wall with crayon and I was never able to get it all to disappear!

See the baby dolphins. I know we've already been here this summer, but as a season pass holder, I'd like to go more often.  Last time, my son didn't even make it to Thomas land - or whatever it is called.

Use our Great America passes.  I knew I probably shouldn't have bought the passes, but I did.  And as of today - mid-summer- we have yet to go there once.  How sad!  Plus, I loved Snoopy as a kid and would love to check out Planet Snoopy.

Go to the planetarium portion of the museum.  My aunt got our family a membership and we have gone twice...and still haven't made it into the planetarium.  I have now heard that is the first thing to do...because the lines get long.  Our membership ends next month, so we have to do this soon!  Plus, I could definitely go to see the jellyfish again.  Those things are soooo cool.

Plan a family vacation.  I have been putting this off simply because these can be expensive, and as with most of the planet, money is tight. And since our jobs are unstable and money is already stretched, I feel like this may be an unwise venture, but since we have never actually gone on a family vacation for more than a night - last year we went to Hearst Castle for a day - I keep thinking "Carpe Diem" and that we should do something.  So, I'm thinking I should just plan one...not necessarily book it.   At least we'll be ready with the info (the whats, wheres, and costs) when the time is right.

Take care of all the necessary appointments before going back to work.  I need to bring the car in for service, go to my eye doctor, go to another sleep test, take my son in for a well-check, etc. etc.

Whitewater rafting.  I bought tickets to go whitewater rafting and need to go THIS season.  I haven't been in a few years and I definitely can't wait to go!

There are so many other things I want to do and/or need to do, but right now what I need to do is start gathering stuff for my garage sale tomorrow!  Hopefully, with this partial list I'll be more accountable!  Only time will tell.

Summer is half over.  Or...we still have half our summer left.  (Not sure if you are a glass half-full or half-empty sort of person! haha)

So, what do you want to do before summer is over???

Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer, I love you.

Summers are great because I get to spend a lot of time with my family - without all the distractions of grading papers, helping my daughter with her schoolwork, or dealing with the chauffeur side of getting two kids to and from school.  Instead, more focus is put on just enjoying the company of others, relaxing, and doing fun activities.

For the 4th of July weekend, we met my parents at my uncle's house and spent days lounging by the pool, taking a ride on a small choo choo nearby, feeding koi fish, playing with the dogs, and relaxing.

Of course, because my uncle lives in a county where fireworks are allowed, we also were able to light our own fireworks and play with sparklers.  Unaccustomed to the whole thing, my kids and I were all a bit apprehensive.  Aside from the sparklers, I let everyone else do the honors of lighting them.  I figured my husband should be the most comfortable being that he did all these kinds of fireworks as a kid growing up in Japan!  Plus, I think having all 10 fingers, thank you! ;)

We had a great time, even in the heat (the pool helped), and we can't wait to go back next year!  In fact, my son keeps asking when he can go see his uncle again. 

This past weekend, my husband and I took our kids to the Obon Festival.  I couldn't wait to see the taiko drummers.

Ever since I was a kid, I have always loved listening to the beat of the drums.  There is something so calming and exciting at the same time.  I remember - many years ago - seeing a taiko performance with my grandfather at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco.  I was mesmerized.  Sadly, I don't get the chance to see many performances, so I am always happy when I get the chance!  I was not disappointed!

My husband and daughter also enjoyed watching the drummers.  However, I think my son's highlight of the day was the "train" ride to and from the festival - that and the ice cream he ate while there.  He just doesn't have the attention span quite yet.  After sitting quietly for two songs, he befriended the lady sitting next to us and starting playing with her - my son, ever the charming flirt, always on the prowl for new friends - starting to show his new friend all his martial arts moves. haha.  Regardless of what made it fun for him, he had a good time at the festival, too!

Other than the past two weekends' activities, I pretty much did....NOTHING...which is also a fabulous summer benefit!  Aside from a couple appointments, taekwondo, and making headway on cleaning the garage, the kids and I stayed home: we caught up on some TV shows; we took naps (or my son and I did); we played games.

Balancing scheduled activities with downtime = bliss.  Did I also mention that my new favorite luxury is taking a nice, relaxing bath each evening - one with my new foaming oil, scented with eucalyptus, chamomile, and rosehips?  Seriously, it's fabulous.

Summer is fabulous.  Life is fabulous.  Oh, summer, how I love you.  Please don't go away too soon!

Monday, July 5, 2010

How a little faith goes a long way

Many moons ago, as a young freshman in high school, my English teacher, Sr. Barbara, shared a short prayer with the class:

Photo from The Crosiers/Gene Plaisted, OSC

Patron Saint of Lost Items

Tony, Tony, look around.
Something's lost and must be found.

This prayer has always stuck with me - for when I lost something trivial or something important. I have to admit that I probably only halfheartedly said the prayer, not always truly believing it would work, not because I didn't believe miracles could happen but because I wondered whether it was really "right" to pray to find something I so carelessly lost.  Does St. Anthony really need to help me find my library book that I carelessly put somewhere I can't recall?  I always thought it was my own fault for not taking care of something.

However, the other day I lost my wedding band: the one my mother gave to me to use, the one my stepfather gave to her on their anniversary, the one I had thought maybe one day I would maybe pass onto my daughter. I had taken it off for taekwondo class, put it into my coin compartment in my wallet, and tucked it into my bag.  After class, I grabbed my wallet and walked over to grab some dinner with my kids and some friends.  I kept closing the coin part back because it kept popping open, aware that my rings were in there. (Yes, in retrospect, clearly I should have put it on after taekwondo, but I didn' let's move on.)

Later that evening, I looked in my wallet...and it was NOWHERE to be found.  I started praying.  I looked in the taekwondo bag, my purse, again in my wallet.  Then Thursday, I looked some more.  I had no idea where it could be.  I kept praying. 

By Friday at noon, I had come to accept the fact that I may never see my ring again.  Even so, I kept saying the prayer, believing it would somehow turn up.  Then I went back to the place we ate dinner at Wednesday night, Mojo Burger, almost two whole days since the ring went missing.

After I told the cashier what I was looking for, she went into the back room.  Minutes seemed to pass.  Another lady said, "I don't think we found anything," and headed to the back as well.  More time was ticking.  I was now repeatedly chanting in my head: "Tony, Tony, turn around.  Something's lost and can't be found.  Something's here or something's there.  I have looked everywhere.  Please help me find it."

The two women returned to the front.  One of the ladies said, "My husband has it.  It looked expensive and he didn't want to leave it here.  We live just a mile away...he'll be here in a few minutes."  I almost cried. 

It gets even crazier.  They later informed me that someone found it OUTSIDE of Mojo Burger on the sidewalk and turned it in on Thursday morning.  

To the owners at Mojo Burger, thank you for holding onto my ring.  To the anonymous person who found it on the ground, thanks for turning it into Mojo Burger.  And to St. Anthony, thank you for bringing my ring back to me.  I am truly a believer that even the littlest prayers can be answered with a lot of faith.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Moments to Remember....about my son

Dec 19, 2009

thinks it's funny how her son is sulking on the couch under a blanket because I told him no chocolate. On what planet would a mother not want her kid to rest on the couch under a blanket at 3pm in the afternoon? Cross your fingers he falls asleep. He's a nap fighter, for sure!


March 18, 2010

had to laugh when Alicia Keys' "Falling" came on the radio and he said, "Hey! This is my favorite song! Is this YOUR favorite song, Mommy?"


April 6, 2010

wonders why her son feels the need to skip the potty, thinking changing his clothes MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY infringes on his playtime less. REALLY?


April 16, 2010

My son is currently so mad at her that he is talking to himself in his room: "I don't want Mommy. I want Daddy. DADDY!!! DADDY!!! Waaah! DADDY!" And why is he mad at me? Oh, because I told him he could no longer play the computer because he didn't stop to go potty...and then had an accident...even though I told him to get off and go.


 April 20, 2010

thinks her son must be going through a growth spurt because he slept from 9pm-8am! Of course it could also mean no nap today! :P


 April 30, 2010 -

Me: "did you put your bear to night night?"
Him: "yes! Because he's sick!"
Lol. Sometimes my kid cracks me up!




I'm looking forward to spending the day with the boy: getting jamba juice, buying groceries, and doing laundry. Is it weird my son is excited, too? Haha. Sometimes he is so easily pleased. Of course, we haven't started only time will tell how long his excitement and cooperation will last. He's not even 4 and he...'s a Gemini, which means he changes his mind with great frequency!!! Haha

June 7,  2010 - I told him to go wash up before "rest time" while I clean up the lunch table. It was awfully quiet when I was done. I headed to his room, which had the lights on but door closed, and I found him FAST ASLEEP snuggled under the covers in his bed! Say what? Who is this child!? ;)

June 7, 2010
keeps saying that's a photo of him as a baby...even though that happens to be a photo of his daddy as a baby!

July 2, 2010
My daughter was at a playdate with a friend today.  I told my son we needed to run errands. After going to the Girl Scout office (which he called "This is the girl scout cookies"), he asked me when we were going to Errand's house.  He thought Errand was going to be a friend, not going from office to bank, etc.