Saturday, May 17, 2008

Love or Money?

A funny conversation with a nine-year-old...

The other night, my daughter and I watched the season finale of Survivor (We Tivo'd it.) and were disappointed when Amanda didn't win. She was more upset about it than I was because she didn't like that Parvati backstabbed her original alliance. 

So, my daughter said, "Aw.  I wanted Amanda to win."

And I said, "Yea, but at least she met Ozzy.  That's a positive."

She said, "Yea, that's true.  Ozzy is nice."

Then, I asked, "What you you prefer: to meet a boy who said he loves you and you like him back...or...a million dollars?"

She looks at me and says, "Well, that's an obvious answer.  A million dollars, of course."

Obviously, it is an easy answer for her considering the fact that she's only 9 years old and boys are still, for the most part, gross and annoying.  But for many, this is still a difficult question.

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