I'm not sure what else to title this. I'm completely overloaded...again...or is it...as always? I suffer from what one of my friends call "CRC," which stands for "Can't Remember Crap." There's always something I need to do, and that interrupts the other thing I'm doing, so then I forget to complete that first thing - or that second thing. Lost? Great! Me, too! Bottom line is that I'm forever behind...at least lately.
I wasn't always like this. I have had great spells of being completely "Type A" organized, with a list and pen in hand, marking things off, one by one. Apparently, September wasn't one of those months. October isn't starting off too well, either!
Maybe it's because my daughter had come down with something or other once a week, never seeming to fully recuperate from any of the afflictions. Or maybe it's because those couple of days put me back even further in my workload. Or maybe trying to manage a larger workload, a household, and two kids' schedules almost all on my own is proving impossible. (Don't get me wrong. My husband helps, but let's keep in mind that he's not home until well after dinnertime - closer to bedtime - and most days the kids and I are out of the house before he wakes up.)
Whatever the reason, it feels like it's neverending. Papers are already piling up and it's only the beginning of the semester. Since I'm backlogged with my "new" class because of all the prep, I'm behind on grading the papers. And, oh, did I mention two of my classes then took tests - tests that are handgraded, not scantrons.
Shoot me now. It would be less painful...okay, I exaggerate.
Oy. Something had to be done: I gave up facebook. I put up a new profile pic, shut down the wall, and logged out. Aside from logging on for my work (the class group), I don't plan to spend much time on there...not until I give those papers back to the students.
I'm already a chronic procrastinator. Facebook was the end of me. And everyone knows that facebook is just a time-wasting cesspool of neuroses. Too bad I had been sucked into that vortex for years.
Here's hoping I can stay out of it...or off facebook. Of course, I'm not sure if sitting here blogging is a good use of my time, either.
But...time is up. And I've spent a lot less time on here than I would have on facebook! :P
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