Saturday, May 3, 2014


Almost two months later....

I've been swamped at work - completely overloaded with grading, classwork prep, and volunteer hours.

And now....the countdown is on.  There's about a week and a half left of the semester before finals.  Then, there's at least a week of grading.


It's summer.  I'm scheduled to teach summer school, but it meets 2x/week and it's the sustainable travel and tourism class, so I'm planning on field trips and lots o' fun!  heh.  It's amazing they pay me for this, but they do.  Woot.

And so, my summer action plan is getting my workouts back on track and exploring California.  I'd love to go out of state, but after pricing things, it looks like it's going to have to be more local.  Trekking kids around with me gets expensive. HA.

As soon as I get caught up on grading, I'll start my annual summer list of things I want to accomplish.

Any suggestions?

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