For me, it's the little things that make me happy. Sure, while I'd love to fly to Greece - or at this point, even Disneyland would do - it just isn't feasible right now. Fortunately, I've become the type of person that is happy with the "little" things, which generally feel like "big" things to me.
Some of the things that have made me smile recently? Here are six, in no specific order:

Watching my kids do their chores. We have been working with my 7 year old son more, getting him to help with laundry, dishes, and basic cleaning. I admit I always have to remind him, but I am hoping that with gentle reminders (hopefully, not yelling) and consistency, he will get there without my having to say a word.

Watching our plants actually GROW. I was not blessed with a natural "green thumb" like my grandfather. I've been known to kill plants regularly. It's sad, really. Fortunately, we have had a good run this year. It started with a zinnia bulb my son brought home. It bloomed and then died, but we kept plugging along, watering it and re-planting it. And guess what? It's grown like 2 feet tall and now has a new flower!

Rollerskating. I took my kids to San Jose Skate before the poor place closed its doors to the public. I had so much fun. As a kid, I was an avid roller-skater. My friend and I spent HOURS skating up and down the street, with one leg up, jumping over stuff, backwards, in circles, and all sorts of other crazy tricks. It is one of my favorite childhood memories, rollerskating afterschool.
Admittedly, my life isn't very exciting. I'm even surprised anyone is reading my little, boring blog, but this is what my life has become: pretty freakin' awesome. HA!
But right now, at this moment, I am most grateful for my summer class getting canceled. Don't get me wrong. I was excited about teaching it. I even had four field trips planned for the class, but instead of working (even part-time work is still working), now I get to spend my summer with my kids. I don't have to juggle my work schedule with their schedules. More quality time with my family? Yes, please - and thank you!
So that's about it. If I do make it back to blog here this summer - and I hope I do - expect blogs about adventures with my kids...because that's how I roll, my exciting life. HAHA. :)
Happy Summer!
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