Saturday, April 9, 2016

Gratitude Blog - Take Three - Day 1

It was a busy week.  If it wasn't one thing, it was another.  BUT, thanks to my handy 3pm iPhone reminder "post gratitude blog," I did think about the things for which I am grateful  Sadly, I wasn't able to post it.  I think I need to re-think the time of the reminder.  At 3pm, almost everyday I am in traffic doing the kid pickup thing. haha.

Thus, I am restarting.  I hope to get to the point where posting my gratitude becomes a daily habit.  And so we begin....

Day 1: I am thankful for my car.

It isn't a fancy car - and to be honest, I have never really been interested in fancy cars - but it gets me from point A to B.  Living in the Bay Area almost requires residents to own a vehicle (unless one lives in SF).  Where I live, it isn't feasible to take public transportation since I need to pick up two kids from school, schools that are over 15 miles from each other - and they often get out from school at the exact same time.

So, I am very grateful for my car.

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