I’ve been fortunate to have had some wonderful, inspiring students and I am grateful when they keep in touch. I love hearing about their adventures, their accomplishments, and their dreams. It always makes me happy to see my students make their goals and dreams become a reality. But no matter where they are on their paths – if they are touching base for a recommendation letter, are needing an ear to listen to their struggles, or are just sharing their accomplishments – I am always happy to see or hear from them.
This week, I heard from quite a few students who I hadn’t heard from in quite some time. One is going back to grad school, looking into vacating the Bay Area – maybe moving onto SDSU or Cornell. Another student completed one of their Life List goals – bungee jumping – in Africa, no less. Africa? That’s amazing. Another former student, whose passion was shopping, is now employed as a buyer.
Seriously, I have the best job. 
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