Tuesday, June 1, 2010

From Paper Waster to Paper Maker...

In my profession as a university instructor, I am in contact with entirely too much paper waste.  Faculty assign paper after paper, and even in the age of computers, many of us require students to print out the papers to submit them. 

I am guilty of it, too.

At the end of each semester, I am surrounded by graded papers that students do not want returned: stacks and stacks of paper.  Obviously, I recycle the papers - and our county does pick up paper - but I feel like I should be doing more with it.  For years, I just re-purposed them, giving it to my kids for drawing paper, donating it to a preschool for art, and using them as notepaper after cutting them into fourths. 

However, isn't there more I can do with paper?  And what about scraps?  As a scrapbooker, I also am responsible for many scrap pieces too small for re-use.  So...what to do, what to do.

A few weeks ago, I started researching the craft of papermaking.  I recently purchased some papermaking supplies and can't wait to get started.  The papers will have a more textured feel, but they can be used in cardmaking and a whole host of other ways.

It looks like something fun my kids and I can do as a summer activity.  It's a win-win: they'll learn something, protect the environment, and have fun while making a mess.  Who can beat that?

And...it's yet another way for me to reduce my ecological footprint.  Right now, I impact my environment in too many negative ways.  While I've never seen myself as a "tree-hugger" type, I think maybe I should try...because according to this survey, "If everyone lived like you, we would need 3-4 more planet earths for resources."  

Err...really? 3-4 planets? Clearly, just throwing recyclables into the proper container isn't enough.  Thus, my plan to "Be More Green" is to tackle papermaking!   I'll keep you updated once I actually make something with my paper scraps! :)

For those interested in making paper (and helping the environment), here are some links to get you started:

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