Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My lesson of the week

Scheduling the way I do seems like madness to many.  Why would a sane person schedule so much stuff - even if it IS fun stuff - all the time?  (Of course, my sanity is definitely up for debate, but that's an entirely separate blog.  Let us focus on one thing at a time, shall we?)

On Monday, I learned why I schedule so much...and also remembered that I wasn't always this way.  You see, I started recalling life with only one child - a child who likes time to, as she says, "do nothing" - and the calm peace that often was felt in the house.  My daughter and I would often just stay home and relax in the summer, maybe go to the park for a bit or a walk around the neighborhood.  In many ways, my daughter is a mini-me.  While she loves to check out new things and explore life, there is a part of her that also revels in the idea of lounging around the house and...well, that's it, just lounging around the house, reading a book, watching TV, writing.

My son is a different story.  Sure, sure.  He SAYS he wants to stay home, but his idea of staying home also includes jumping off the couch, running from one end of the house to the other at full speed, shooting a toy rocket until it ends up being broken into three pieces, and screaming when he doesn't get his way.  This frenetic behavior also results in an injury or two: always one with my daughter yelling "ow!" from an accidental scratch, a smack, a kick; sometimes a bump on his own head requiring ice.

Long story short: He needs more activity.

On Monday, he didn't get enough activity and by the end of the day, I was wondering why on this earth did I think staying home was a good idea.  While I did manage to clean the bathroom, clean up the family room, and get a ton of laundry done - all productive accomplishments - by that evening, I had regretted my decision to stay home all day and thought a messy house filled with dirty laundry was a better alternative.  (My husband would disagree, but we aren't talking about him right now! haha)

So, yesterday involved a trip to San Francisco for lunch with my mom, martial arts for my daughter and me (my son got to watch), and picking up his friend.  Today's schedule included a visit to my chiropractor, the pool, and my son's Tiny Tigers martial arts class.

And you know what??!!  I may be freakin' exhausted, but my son was much better today.

But I am exhausted.  Originally, the plan was to go to Discovery Kingdom tomorrow, but honestly, I am not sure I am up for it.  And guess what?  Mini-me says she would forgo it, too; she is also really tired.  HAHA.  Of course, I'm not sure my son would be willing to give up Discovery Kingdom, mind you.

Reflecting back on this, I realize there has to be a happy medium. It's definitely a good thing my son keeps us so active.  I wonder how lazy my daughter and I would get without him around. haha.  However, I don't think being on the "go, go go" on full speed is a healthy way to operate. Something between "doing nothing" and being "full speed ahead" is the new plan.  Clearly, what I need to do is schedule activities at home...thus, it will be more relaxing but still this activity we did last summer (photos from July 2009):

We made these "cars" from cardboard boxes.  This summer, I'm thinking it's ROBOT time!  I've been collecting cardboard boxes and toilet paper rolls for a couple weeks.  We'll see what sort of creation we can make!  That activity coupled with reading some books, taking a nap, and enjoying sitting on the deck in the backyard sounds delightful!  Maybe we'll also schedule a visit to the Intel Museum (on a different day); there is a robot there!

Obviously, I have learned that I need to schedule fun things at home alongside trips away from home.  If I don't create more balance, I think I'll be comatose by August.

That's my lesson for the week - a repeat lesson from last summer, for sure, but as the saying goes, "I'm getting up on in years, so my memory ain't what it used to be."  So, if you see me racing from one place to another at full speed, make sure to remind me to slow the heck down!  I mean, it IS summer!  I should be relaxing more!

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