Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Not so great at the blogging thing...

Wow.  Really?  February?

Honestly, I had forgotten I had this blog.  hahaha.

Life has been treating me well.  I've still been living the "healthy lifestyle" and trying to gain more muscle and lose more fat.  It has been a slow progression, but that's just how it is.  I'm just happy to be down the weight.

Summer was awesome - when is it never awesome.  Sadly, it is always never long enough, too.

Started back at work and I have to say this: I am so very blessed to still love my job after 12 years.  Woot.

I suppose I shouldn't really spend a lot of time blogging here right now, seeing as I should really be going to sleep.

So, off I go.  I just wanted to type SOMETHING so another year didn't pass before I posted an entry. HA!