Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Most of the time, I think the "me first!" attitude comes primarily from children.  They haven't quite yet mastered the art of manners.  However, recently I have been noticing some really rude behavior at work - a college campus.  Here are two specific scenarios that occurred yesterday:

Scenario #1
Location: campus parking lot
I am a few steps from my car.  A female in a car drives by and stops.  I'm thinking she wants my space.  I then see a guy in another car who puts his car in reverse, "You leaving?" he asks me.  I tell him, "Yes, but I think that woman is waiting for my car."  As I am about to get into my car, I look over and see there is another car pulling out and say, "Oh, maybe she's waiting for that other one."  The guy growls at me, "Get in your car.  I know what's going on.  Just go." 

What an ass.  He isn't "entitled" to my space.  Seriously, at this point, I was just about to retrieve my stuff, head back to campus and get a cup of coffee...just so the guy would have had to search for another space.  But alas, I'm a busy person and had a lunch meeting off-campus.

Scenario #2:
Location: Campus Building First Floor by elevator
I am waiting at the elevator, a few steps away from the door.  A guy walks in after me, waits with me, and then cuts me off to get in first.  (This scenario actually happens a lot to people.  I see it happen on a daily basis.) 

Now, many of you may assume that the "guys" described above are college students, but guess what!  I am actually talking about faculty/staff.  Seriously, a lot of my colleagues must feel like they are entitled to more on this planet than others.  Maybe it's because I look young for my age, so they think I am a student and not a peer, but even so, there is no need to treat people in general the way they do. 

Maybe I was just having an off day.  I don't know. 

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