Friday, August 6, 2010

Being "old" does NOT mean I can't do it!!!

After the kids' belt promotion ceremony, the studio was open to "play" for a few minutes.  My daughter was doing cartwheels and stuff, so I showed her my cartwheel.  A six-year-old girl looks at me and says, "You're too old to do a cartwheel!"  I said, "I may be turning 40, but I can still do a cartwheel."  Then, I proceeded to do another one.

What the heck?  Why does this kid think...that after a certain age, instead of growing up and getting bigger, we start decaying and dying?  hahaha.

The more I thought about it, I figured that she probably once asked an adult she knows to do one and the adult responded with, "I'm too old to do a cartwheel."  Since I have not really grown up (and don't plan to), there are a lot of "kid" things I still do: play games, make crafts, do cartwheels, play with waterguns (though I prefer the waterhose because then I win! hahaha), etc.

It's not really age, I don't think.  It's mindset.  It's the willingness to still be a kid and to play.  Of course, since I teach a class based on leisure theory and the value of play, I suppose my child-like persona is not surprising to anyone.

Anyhow, I have to say I was happy I didn't fall on my a**.  I don't remember the last time I did a cartwheel; I was just pretty confident I could do it.  I figured it was like riding a bike: just do it and I'll remember.  I was happy that one of the helpers (a teenage boy) even said, "Wow.  I think that's better than I can do."  Woot.  Woot.  Let's hear it for the "old woman" that showed those kids! hahahaha.

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