Saturday, October 31, 2009

Girl Drama

As women, the majority get caught up in girl drama, even if we try to avoid it. It just happens. Either we get too emotional or we have what we deem "psycho friends" who stir shit up. It is what it is.

Fortunately, most of us outgrow it...or just decide not to deal with that crap anymore and move on. I am one of those "F*** it" type people. I do what I do...and try not to get involved in any drama. So, I thought I was done with all that.

Too bad I forgot I have a tween daughter that will be going through it...erhm, NOW.


What is it about females that they have to get all drama-like about friendships. "She's trying to steal my friend." "She's getting all hangy-on with my friend." "I don't like so-and-so, but I know you're friends with her. I don't want to put you in the middle, but I can't believe she did...this...and that...and blah blah blah."

C R A P.

They are only 10. This is only the beginning.

Add puberty, boys, and hormones to this girl drama....and what will I get?


Just kill me now. It will be less painful than what the next few years will bring.

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