Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Live Life With No Regrets #1

Note: One of my new goals is to blog more. Years ago, it helped me process issues - help me relieve stress, help give me clarity, or just plain ole' let me vent.  If you have decided to read my ramblings, please note that I am not writing to be a writer.  I am simply writing for me.  Also keep in mind that I have been and always will be a little bit crazy, so reading the thoughts from my mind may confuse or annoy you - or maybe just make you laugh at my insanity.  I often write like I talk....so, consider yourself warned.


And so...now it's time to

A former student posted a link to a blog entitled, "Here Are The Top 37 Things Dying People Say They Regret. Learn From It Before It’s Too Late." The idea falls in line with one of the classes I teach: Creating a Meaningful Life.  What makes your life meaningful?  How can you ensure that you can live a life with no regrets?  Alongside other more academic topics, we discuss how we can create meaning in our own lives.

Thirty-seven things are quite a lot and while I can ramble as good as the next blogger, I also do not have an unlimited amount of time to sit here right now and blog about all of them.  Thus, each blog entry I will attempt to write about one of the 37 Things. (You see how I did that?  I didn't say each day.  I'm just not sure exactly how committed I can be to blogging. HAHA.)  Since it's my blog and I can do as I please, I'm going to pick them in random order.  First up is #5:

Missing the chance to see your favorite musicians. You never truly know when your favorite band might break up, so seize the day.

This is so true.  I also have to say this falls in line with any sort of show: concert, broadway show, comedian, performance.  Tickets may be expensive, but they are worth it.  The memories stay with you for your entire life.

My friends and I went to quite a few concerts "back in the day," but one of my best memories is from December 31, 1991.  Yes, that was a long time ago, but seeing Nirvana and the Red Hot Chili Peppers on New Year's Eve was amazing.  It was also the first (and last) time I actually went into a mosh pit. Oh, the memories! HA!

While I see concerts less now than I did during college, if there is a band I want to hear, I will be there!  Same thing with any type of performance or show.  A friend of mine and I recently saw Margaret Cho and we have tickets to see Anjelah Johnson next month!  Woo hoo!

I try my best to live life with no regrets.  No one ever knows what is going to happen - whether a performer will stop performing, whether a band will break up, or whether or not we'll even be around to see them!

So far, so good.  Check 1 out of the 37!  How about you?  How often do you see concerts/shows?

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