Friday, July 2, 2010

Moments to Remember....about my son

Dec 19, 2009

thinks it's funny how her son is sulking on the couch under a blanket because I told him no chocolate. On what planet would a mother not want her kid to rest on the couch under a blanket at 3pm in the afternoon? Cross your fingers he falls asleep. He's a nap fighter, for sure!


March 18, 2010

had to laugh when Alicia Keys' "Falling" came on the radio and he said, "Hey! This is my favorite song! Is this YOUR favorite song, Mommy?"


April 6, 2010

wonders why her son feels the need to skip the potty, thinking changing his clothes MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY infringes on his playtime less. REALLY?


April 16, 2010

My son is currently so mad at her that he is talking to himself in his room: "I don't want Mommy. I want Daddy. DADDY!!! DADDY!!! Waaah! DADDY!" And why is he mad at me? Oh, because I told him he could no longer play the computer because he didn't stop to go potty...and then had an accident...even though I told him to get off and go.


 April 20, 2010

thinks her son must be going through a growth spurt because he slept from 9pm-8am! Of course it could also mean no nap today! :P


 April 30, 2010 -

Me: "did you put your bear to night night?"
Him: "yes! Because he's sick!"
Lol. Sometimes my kid cracks me up!




I'm looking forward to spending the day with the boy: getting jamba juice, buying groceries, and doing laundry. Is it weird my son is excited, too? Haha. Sometimes he is so easily pleased. Of course, we haven't started only time will tell how long his excitement and cooperation will last. He's not even 4 and he...'s a Gemini, which means he changes his mind with great frequency!!! Haha

June 7,  2010 - I told him to go wash up before "rest time" while I clean up the lunch table. It was awfully quiet when I was done. I headed to his room, which had the lights on but door closed, and I found him FAST ASLEEP snuggled under the covers in his bed! Say what? Who is this child!? ;)

June 7, 2010
keeps saying that's a photo of him as a baby...even though that happens to be a photo of his daddy as a baby!

July 2, 2010
My daughter was at a playdate with a friend today.  I told my son we needed to run errands. After going to the Girl Scout office (which he called "This is the girl scout cookies"), he asked me when we were going to Errand's house.  He thought Errand was going to be a friend, not going from office to bank, etc.  


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