Sunday, April 11, 2010

I only have myself to blame

On my facebook, I posted my status update to say that I had pulled an all-nighter, staying up until 7am working on grades.  And while people felt sorry for me or thought I was crazy, I really only have myself to blame.

Could I have done more grading earlier?  Sure. 

I know.  I did spend time with the kids and made sure to have my own "leisure" time, however, there were probably times I could have easily done more grading and less procrastinating.

How do I know?

Because in March alone, I read five books....for pleasure.  For real.

I only have myself to blame for this mad dash of grading presentations.  I should learn to be less "anal" about things, too.  Instead of just circling numbers and writing random comments by hand on their presentations, I transfer it from my writing to a typed feedback sheet.  Really?

I need to put some better systems in place.  I'll work on that for summer.

Thing is, for summer, I do much better...because it's only one class and I have ample time to grade with both kids in care.  (They are in full-time for a few weeks, so it's easier to get grading done.)


Okay, enough procrastinating.  Back to grading I go.  hi ho hi's off to work I go.

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